
30/11/2012 Getting dirty

Motor with driver

23/11/2012 Kick off Robobuddies

The first RoboBuddies meeting, hosted as casa-Robobuddy, was a huge success! The coffee was nice, PC’s were configured with gollum, asciidoc and g++, and we took our first steps on a steep stairway towards success. Before focusing on one (or a few projects), we decided to go wild and collect goals as ambitious as can be. This will help us to make the right decisions with respect to hard and software requirements, hopefully limiting the surprises we will encounter on our journey.

We even decided a few things already:

  • All progress will be reported on a static website, in English; Dutch would limit international visibility, our children will most probably not read the site anyway, they can follow progress directly. Currently, this site is hosted at

  • Linux will be our OS, the learning curve might be steep, but we are fearless

  • Open source is the way to go, everything can be found at github

  • We will make an inventory of all available machining hardware

  • Software will be based on an input-output filter system